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Whether or not “questioning” is considered its own teaching strategy, the concept of questioning is, or should be, involved in all teaching strategies. The impact that guided investigations can have upon developing minds is often a cross-discipline impact that will provide a base of skills to be used on future studies.

While reflecting on a scenario in chapter four of Models of Teaching, Joyce, Weil, and Calhoun (2015, p. 75) make it clear that the instructor did not simply set the children free and expect them to acquire specific knowledge. The instructor, instead, created scaffolds that allowed her students to navigate potentially challenging information. This scaffolding is important to provide the students with enough guidance to properly discover answers for themselves.

Relating the concept of questioning to a Health and Fitness classroom is more abstract than a Science or History classroom, yet it is still possible. Due to the limited amount of time that students commonly receive in a Health and Fitness class, it is important that the use of the questioning concept is concise and does not distract from participation in the physical activity. Rather than introducing a topic, providing online information sources, a few guiding questions, and allowing class time to explore, this process would have to be simplified. During a Health and Fitness unit, skills should be introduced, early on, along with basic rules of the activity. After those are provided, the instructor can then provide guiding questions having to do with strategies involved in higher levels of performance in the chosen activity. This provides the necessary scaffolding to base the student’s critical thinking off of, and also the freedom to critically think while participating in the activity fully.

Within each subject, the concept of questioning will look different, be set up in a variety of ways, and end with differing results. While the lack of control over the learning may frustrate some instructors, the opportunities that questioning provides will often outweigh these concerns. With the amount of information at the fingertips of this generation’s students, it is important that instructors provide the students with the ability to navigate the information skillfully.